Build Your Own Katana: A Complete Guide
Build Your Own Katana: A Complete Guide

If you're a martial artist, a collector, or a history buff, you've probably dreamed of owning a katana sword at some point in your life. A personalized katana is a sophisticated way to express someone's distinctive personality. But you must know the background and composition of a Katana, before you can own one that best suits your personality.
This article will help you avail of a custom samurai sword most easily. After reading this article, you will have adequate knowledge to create your own katana. Here I have elaborately discussed all the components of a katana sword. Besides, you will have all the information you need about the blade of a katana sword, which is the most significant part of the sword.
Why Owning A Custom Katana Is Cool?
In Japanese, "kata" means one-sided and "na" means blade. So, katana means a one-sided blade. Katana was the signature weapon of the most elite force of the Japanese emperor- the samurais. The main features of the sword remain the same for all katanas. Typically, the slightly curved katana has to be around two-feet long. It also has a long handle to confirm maximum pressure.
In ancient Japan, swords expressed social status and family pride. As a result, the katana has been associated with elegance and aristocracy since its origin. customizing your katana enables you to reflect on your personality and taste.
Customizing Katana Following Popular Culture
In different stages of history, there have been many restrictions on carrying, using, owning, and producing katana swords. During the Second World War, Japanese swordsmiths were allowed to manufacture only two katanas per month. However, all these restrictions could not contain the growing popularity of the sword.
Almost all martial arts-based Hollywood films have used katanas in their action sequences. Sometimes, the directors take the liberty of customizing the shape and design of the ancient swords to make them more sensitized. People tend to customize their katanas by following a popular katana design depicted in a particular movie.
Anime has been a new language of communication for the younger generation for a long time now. Most of the plots of anime follow different Japanese legends. That is why you will see most anime heroes use katana in their thrilling actions. Fans of anime shows usually customize their katana to feel related to the passion of their favorite anime characters.
Sense Of Belonging
Following the worldwide popularity of the katana, commercial producers outside of Japan are now producing katanas in their factories. Typically, these katanas mimic some standard ancient designs of katana.
You may want to customize the standard designs of katanas to develop a true sense of ownership and affiliation with the legendary blade. Mixing local cultural motifs can help you relate more to the elegant art piece.
The Key Components Of A Katana Sword
The historic sword has three main parts. They are- blade, tsuka, and saya. As you can guess, the sharp metal part of the sword is the blade part of the katana. The long handle of the sword is known as the Tsuka. The wooden holder for the blade of the katana sword is called "Saya." Here I have listed all the terms you may hear from a discussion on Katana.
What Should You Know About The Katana Blade?
The most significant part of a katana sword is its blade. The effectiveness and overall beauty of the sword heavily depend on the katana blade. To choose the perfect katana sword, you need to understand some aspects of the katana blade.
The Best Steels For Katana Swords
Modern manufacturers have the luxury to choose from a large variety of steels to make a katana sword. However, what matters most is the heat treatment that the steel sheets go through while in production.
Traditionally, the ancient swordsmiths of Japan used to use carbon steel to make katana swords. There are many types of carbon steel on the market. However, you must use at least 1045-grade carbon steel for your katana sword.
Spring steels contain a small volume of silicon in them. The silicon makes the steel much more flexible. It means the blade will retain its original shape no matter how much you bend it. The two most common grades of spring steel are 5160 and 9260.
T10 tool steel is a comparatively new type of steel for katana swords. They are gaining popularity due to their characteristics of being sharp and durable at the same time.
The T10 tool steel is the most popular of all the tool steels. It has tungsten in its alloy to make it resistant to abrasions and scratches.
Pattern steel goes through the same folded-forging technique that ancient smiths used to apply to make swords, also known as Damascus steel. If you are fond of fascinate patterns, you will like this steel in your katana.

The scabbard where you keep the blade when the sword is not in use is called the Saya of the katana sword. Usually, swordsmiths use lighter woods to make the Saya more portable.
Moreover, there is a coating of lacquer on the outer surface of the Saya to make it more durable. The durability of the katana also depends on the quality of the Saya.

You will find a metal collar at the bottom of the blade of a katana sword. It is the Habaki of the sword. A good katana always uses good quality Habaki.
Habaki play an important role in ensuring the durability of the katana sword. You need to fit the Habaki tightly at the bottom part of the sword.
Tsuba is the round-shaped guard of a katana sword that saves your hands from accidental cuts from the highly sharp blade of the sword.
In most cases, the owner of the katana decorates the tsuba to give the sword a more elegant look.
Tsuka is one of the three main parts of a traditional katana sword. The handle of the katana sword is the Tsuka. You can grip the sword with both hands using the long Tsuka.
Should You Choose A Sharp Or Blunt Blade?
When buying a katana sword, you will have the option of choosing between a sharp and blunt blade. Typically, katana swords are one of the sharpest swords. However, there can be situations where you may need to buy a blunt-bladed katana. You may use a blunt blade when you want to give the sword as a present to your friend as a showpiece in his living room.
At the initial stage of learning martial arts, you may want to start the practice sessions with a blunt-bladed sword. It will ensure better safety.
Different Grooving (Bo-Hi) Options For A Katana Blade
Grooving does not make any difference in the performance of a katana sword. The purpose of grooving the katana blade is to reduce weight. It also ensures a proper balance between the handle and the blade. You may have a single groove, double groove, or no groove at all in your katana sword.
Bottom Line
A custom katana can become a part of your identity. That is why I suggest you custom made your own katana. Besides, giving a personalized katana as a present will undoubtedly make your loved ones the happiest! Moreover, if you are a martial artist, a custom samurai sword can make the sport more fun for you.
If you think a custom katana is the right choice for you, you can click here to order one today. Our katanas are made by the finest craftsmen who have spent years perfecting their craft. Thank you for stopping by.