Katana anatomy - Things you need know to truly understand the sword of Samurai



There are many parts of a katana, and it can be confusing for those who are new to this piece of art. It's easy to get lost in all the terminology, for Japanese katana, basically there is a specific name for every detail. so we've put together a guide of the most commonly seen terminologies to help you understand what these words mean. With these knowledge, you will know better how to custom your own katana.

To start, we will divide our anatomy into two parts to help you understand all the components of a katana: the blade and the koshirae (fittings include the handle and saya).

Technically, in Japanese, the meaning of the word "katana" refers only to the blade itself, that's why when you look at photos of katana in museums, you will often see only the blade on display. However, outside of Japan, we often use "katana" to refer to the entire sword, which is a minor inaccuracy but acceptable in this context.

Additionally, there are many types of katana, in Japanese, even Spear (Yari) can be classified as Katana (Nihonto), making the terminology too extensive to cover in a single article.  So in this article, we will focus on the famous types: Uchigatana (打刀) and Tachi (太刀), along with their koshirae.

Table of Content:


  1. Kissaki (切先)
  2. Boshi (帽子)
  3. Yokote (横手)
  4. Hasaki/Ha (刃先 /刃)
  5. Mune (棟)
  6. Shinogi (鎬 / Shinogi-Ji)
  7. Monouchi (物打)
  8. Sori (反)
  9. Nagasa (長さ)
  10. Kasane (重)
  11. Mihaba (身幅)
  12. Bo-Hi (棒樋)
  13. Hamon (刃文)
  14. Munemachi (棟区)
  15. Nakago (茎)
  16. Mei (銘)
  17. Nakago jiri (茎尻)
  18. Mekugi ana (目釘穴)
  19. Yasurime (鑢目)



  1. Tsuka (柄)
  2. Tsuba (鍔)
  3. Habaki (鎺)
  4. Seppa (切羽)
  5. Fuchi (緣)
  6. Kashira (頭)
  7. Menuki (目貫)
  8. Mekugi (目釘)
  9. Tsuka-Ito (柄巻)
  10. Samegawa (鮫皮)


  1. Saya (鞘)
  2. Koiguchi (鯉口)
  3. Kurigata (栗形)
  4. Sageo (下緒)
  5. Kojiri (鐺)

    1- The Katana Blade

    The blade is the main component of a Katana, and it is impossible to have a Katana without a blade, because the word “katana” literally means “one sided blade. In ancient Japan, traditional katana should be made of Tamahagane (玉鋼) , essentially it’s a type of high carbon steel. The making of tamahagane is very costly in terms of labour and time, it’s a luxury to use it nowadays. Most modern katana are made of modern steels like carbon steel, manganese steel, T10 steel etc.

    Here is a picture shows the major parts of a katana blade:

    Katana Anatomy - Major Parts on the katana blade

    Kissaki 切先

    Kissaki refers to the sharp point, the tip of a Katana, generally speaking it is the sharpest part of a katana. There are different types of Kissaki, classified by length there are Okissaki (大切先, longest one), Chukissaki (中切先, middle and most common one) and Kokissaki (小切先, shortest one). Traditionally Kissaki has different forging method and process, and in different era there are different types of Kissaki, it’s one of the factor to identify the sword age.
    Katana Anatomy - Kissaki photo

    Boshi 帽子

    The hamon line in the Kissaki part is called Boshi, in Japanese it’s called 帽子, literally means “Cap” or “Hat”. Bring out hamon line in this small area will require tremendous amount of time to polish. So it is one of the feature that reflects the craftsmanship of the swordsmith, or in this case, the Togishi (研師), the craftsman who specialized in katana polishing. There are many types of Boshi as well, but noted that only clay tempered Katana has Boshi, because it’s part of the Hamon.
    Katana Anatomy - Boshi photo

    Yokote 横手

    Yokote is the dividing line between the sword's body and the kissaki. The Japanese name is 横手.Yokote was the result of forming the Kissaki during the forging process, technically speaking all Shinogi-zukuri (鎬造) katana should has Yokote. It takes polishing to make it look clear, and if you touch it with your hand you will feel the little hump.
    Katana Anatomy - Yokote photo

    Hasaki / Ha 刃先 /刃

    “Ha” (刃) means “Edge” in Japanese, “Hasaki” (刃先) is another way of saying it. They refer to the cutting edge of the katana blade.
    Katana Anatomy - Hasaki photo


    Mune is the back of the katana, in Japanese it is called “棟”, means “Ridge”. As result of clay tempering, Mune is generally softer than the edge, to keep flexibility of the blade, so it’s not brittle when cutting against hard objects.
    Katana Anatomy - Mune photo

    Shinogi 鎬 / Shinogi-Ji

    "Shinogi" is the ridge line on the side of the blade (between the blade and the ridge). There are different types of katana shapes, the most common one is Shinogi-zukuri(鎬造), also known as hon-zukuri (本造) . This shape makes katana light, sturdy and sharp, it’s one of the reason why katana is such a great cutter.
    Katana Anatomy - Shinogi photo

    Monouchi (物打)

    The sharp edge below Yokote, about 3 inches, close to the middle part, is called Monouchi (物打). In actual battle Monouchi is most often used, especially for cutting and slashing moves, that’s why the name in Japanese means “Hit”.
    Katana Anatomy - Monouchi photo


    The curvature of a katana is called Sori (反). This is not an actual component of a katana, but it plays an important role in the development of katana. There are about 6 types of Sori, and they were all once popular in different period in the Japanese history.
    Katana Anatomy - Sori photo

    Nagasa (長さ)

    Nagasa (長さ) refers to the blade length of a katana, measuring from the end of the habaki to the Kissaki. Standard katana usually is about 28” long, which is about 72 cm. There are no set rules about the nagasa, if you want a custom katana with customized blade length, that is totally fine.
    Related terms:

    重 (Kasane): The weight of the blade.

    身幅 (Mihaba): The width of the blade.

    Katana Anatomy - Nagasa photo

    Bo-Hi (棒樋)

    Bo-hi is the fuller on the blade. The kanji symbol for Bo-Hi is 棒樋 which combines the characters for “weapon" (棒) and “gutter" (樋). Bo-Hi is also known as blood groove, and many might think Bo-Hi is designed to create a channel so the blood can flow out, and the sword won’t stuck in the enemy’s body. But the truth is the purpose of having a Bo-hi, is to reduce the weight.
    Katana Anatomy - Bohi photo

    Hamon (刃文)

    Possibly the most attractive, fascinating and aesthetic part of a katana, is the Hamon. In Japanese it’s called “刃文”. “刃” means blade, “文” means “Text / Pattern” . The hamon in Japanese swordsmithing is the visible effect created on the blade by the clay tempered process, it is the decisive factor in distinguishing the production time and place of production of Japanese nihonto.
    Katana Anatomy - Hamon photo

    Munemachi (棟区)

    Munemachi is a small notch that you can find on the back of the Katana spine. In Japanese Munemachi (棟区) roughly translated to “Ridge area”. The length of Nakago is measured from Munnumachi. The purpose of the Munemachi is to fit the blade collar tightly against the blade.
    Katana Anatomy - munemachi photo

    Nakago ( )

    The part of the blade inside the Tsuka is called “Nakago”, which is “tang”. For Nihonto, Nakago is usually made of low carbon steel, which is softer and can absorb certain level of shocking. In ancient Japan, swordsmith will engrave their name on the Nakago, as their “trademark”. This mark is called “Mei” “銘”. Different swordsmith schools has different styles of Nakago shapes.
    Katana Anatomy - Nakago photo
    There are many parts on the Nakago as well:
    Parts on Nakago:

    銘 (Mei): This is the inscription that swordsmith engraved on the nakago (tang) of the sword.

    茎尻 (Nakago jiri): The end of the nakago.

    目釘穴 (Mekugi ana): The hole in the tang for the mekugi (peg) that secures the handle to the blade.

    鑢目 (Yasurime): File marks on the tang, increase friction to secure the tsuka. Also can be indicative of the swordsmith's style or school.

    2-The Katana Koshirae

    "Koshirae" (拵) refers to the external mountings of a katana, including the scabbard (saya), hilt (tsuka), and handguard (tsuba). It is a collective term for the decorative parts of a Japanese sword, known as "sword fittings." Koshirae serves three main functions: protecting the katana blade, enhancing its practicality, and showcasing the owner's dignity.

    We will also divide the Koshirae into 2 parts : Tsuka and Saya and introduce the related terms:

    Tsuka (柄)

    The “Tsuka” (handle / hilt) refers to the gripping part of the sword, and the “tang” (nakago) is stored inside. The core of the handle is mostly made of wood, secured with mekugi pins, cover with samegawa, then wrapping with cords. A good tsuka should be tight and secure, no loose parts, and provide comfortable gripping to the user.

    Katana Anatomy - Tsuka Parts photo

    Tsuba (鍔)

    Tsuba is the hand guard of a katana. the purpose of this component is to protect the hand of the person using the sword from getting cuts on it. It’s also highly valued as an independent art and craft. Tsuba is usually round or square, in iron or copper / brass material.

    Katana Anatomy - Tsuba photo

    Habaki (鎺)

    Habaki (鎺) is the blade collar at the bottom of the blade, not only it holds the blade and scabbard together and tight, but also prevents the scabbard from coming into direct contact with the blade.

    Katana Anatomy - Habaki photo

    Seppa (切羽)

    Seppa are 2 tiny metal plates that you can find on both sides of the Tsuba. The name “切羽” in Japanese means “Cut the feather” These are used as spacers to fill the gaps and secure the tsuba and the blade.

    Katana Anatomy - Seppa photo

    Fuchi (緣) & Kashira (頭)

    Fuchi (緣) is the metal collar under Tsuba, Kashira (頭) is the metal cap at the bottom of the Tsuka. They are usually paired, in Japanese they are called “Fuchigashira” (緣頭). Their function is to secure and reinforce the Tsuka.

    Katana Anatomy - Fuchi & Kashira photo

    Menuki are a pair of metal piece under the Ito wrap, one on each side of the Tsuka, basically one for right hand and one for left hand. They are mainly for decoration, usually made of copper or brass, in the shape of different mythological creatures. They do provide better gripping, and helps with hand placement.

    Katana Anatomy - Menuki photo

    Mekugi (目釘)

    The pegs that connect handle and the blade, are called Mekugi (目釘). Traditionally they are made of bamboo, some will use brass as well. Mekugi are hammered inside the holes in the tsuka and nakago so they can connect firmly, to dissemble the tsuka you will need to use a tiny hammer to gently push them out as well

    Katana Anatomy - Mekugi photo

    Tsuka-Ito (柄巻)

    The wrapping on the Tsuka is called Tsuka-ito (柄巻). Common materials are cotton, silk, leather. Tsuka-ito keeps tsuka and the blade together, and provides better griping for the user, so it has to be tight and secure. There are many types of Tsuka—Ito.

    Katana Anatomy - Tsukaito photo

    Samegawa (鮫皮)

    Underneath the Ito is Samegawa, the name literally means “Shark skin” in Japanese, but actually ray fish skin is commonly used. It is used to cover the wooden plate of Tsuka, and provides better gripping because of the rough texture.

    Katana Anatomy - Samegawa photo

    Saya (鞘)

    Saya is the part used to protect the steel blade and is also known as the sword's scabbard. Most saya are made of wood, covers with lacquer and beatiful pattern, drawings. Generally speaking there are 2 types of Saya, the ones with many fitting , looking alluring, is for taking the katana out for use. The other type is shirasaya, basically the plain wooden Saya without any decorative elements, used to store the blade for long time.

    Katana Anatomy - Saya Parts photo

    Koiguchi (鯉口)

    The opening of the saya is called Koiguchi, the Japanese name literally means mouth of a carp, It was because its shape resembles it. It should be made perfectly fits the katana, and prevent the blade from constantly cutting against the saya. The outside of Koiguchi is usually cover with another “cap” to further protect the blade, usually in brass or horn material.

    Katana Anatomy - Koiguchi photo

    Kurigata (栗形)

    The Knob cord retainer on the saya is called “Kurigata”, the name “栗形” in Japanese means “Shape of chestnut”. Inside the Kurigata is a small metal ring called “Shitodome”. Kurigata is used to tie the Sageo.

    Katana Anatomy - Kurigata photo

    Sageo (下緒)

    The cord that connects your katana with your obi (belt) is called Sageo. Sageo is tied on the Kurigata, Sageo is usually made of cotton, and about 180-220 cm long.

    Katana Anatomy - Sageo photo

    Kojiri (鐺)

    The little metal cap at the bottom of the saya is called Kojiri. The purpose is to provide better protection to the saya because this is the Kissaki stored.

    Katana Anatomy - Kojiri photo

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